Hello there .. My DBOX is showing 'loading kernel' on the front LCD and thats as far as I can get. I've downloaded a copy of the Flashing Assistant thats mentioned in various threads, but it just fails and most of the error messages are in German. Is there any way I can now connect to the DBOX? I've just managed to get hold of a NULL Modem cable so I was wanting to try that (via the console port), but my question is: a) How do I connect using the console port? Can I using HyperTerminal? b) What should be the COM settings on the COM Port c) How do I load images via the console? Or is it simply a case of resetting via the console?
hi SG8 .. No I havent tried with BOTH the NULL Modem AND Crossover cable as: a) I've only just got the NULL modem cable b) I didnt realise that both were required Will try that tonight and post back. Basically, your saying that with BOTH cables connected, I should be able to flash with IFA. With regards to images, I was previously running Commando_6 version 2, in your experiance, which is best? I've heard a lot about Sportster images .. what u reckon?
hello mate .. got a bit further, now getting a message that ultimately says 'bad magic number' ... Any ideas?