new to dbox.have nokia dbox2.originally had 140+ channels.system froze.on restart channel list reduced to 50 approx. think i need to scan for channels, but system won't let me change the scan from "Kabel Deutschland". how do i change this to scan for ntl in dublin area ?
I too would would like some help in this matter,after a couple of failed scans i hooked up another box to check my signal,which was ok but when i re-hooked up my dbox i found my bruteforce provider had been replaced with kabel deuchsland. what the hell has happenend? btw i'm not in deuchsland so no luck on the scan. many thanks guys
i'm trying to get my head around reflashing atm as i'm still new to all this,if someone has a guide to this it would be a big help. so far i've got a commando_6 img and a program called FlashFXP but still need to know about linking up with my comp. many thanks f.
Pardon my ignorance, but how do i flash the box and upload those files ? Also should i upload for uk even though i'm in Dublin. ?
Upload the irish cables.xml to /var/tuxbox/config via ftp and unplug and replug the box. Select NTL cable Dublin in the provider line.