hi all just bought a dbox1 for my mum its a satelite version and will be arriving soon just wondering is it the same set up as the cable version or does it differ . i know it has dvb 2000 software on it do i need to buy amon cam and funcard and programmer and do i need to get another satelite she is using sky at min.sorry for all questions have been reading but have not seen anything about sat dbox.also is it worth having dbox1 one or is it too much hassle or should i buy a dbox2,starview etc. any help would be great thanks.
you wont be able to use it for cable you wont be able to use it for sky tv its not much use tbh fta stuff maybe
The old story. Sky via satellite is simply not hacked. You can get the non scrambled channels via Astra 28° but thats it.
thanks for the help guys so if i bought any box ie d2box or starview or dreambox it would just be a waste of time its only cable you can get premium channels. sorry for the hassle .