I have seen many of these one Ebay - price difference between the three is about 15 pounds I assume they do exactly what the others do.. whats the difference in the boxes, I was about to get a DBOX2 but now not sure if I should go for Dreambox or Starview, anyone got any first hand experience of these boxes. thanks
I have also seen these and wonder what they can do, is the Starview the next generation or do you still have to be flash and tweek them?
did anybody get any answers to these questions and what box did you decide to go for as i am in the smae situation as you were and nobody seems to want to answer this question i have heard that starview auto update and the epg is fully working they are also easily reflahed with the same cable the dbox2's are i just am unsure on what images the starviews use and i dont know where you would get the images from. i have also been told that telewest have said they are going to attack these but if they do wont they still attack all the other types of boxes? they are supposto be easily fixed after these attacks can anybody shed any more light on the matter of what the starview boxes actually are and how reliable they are i think there are loads of people in similar situations that would like to know more
The Starview boxes are good and easily flashed with a nullmodem cable. I bought 2 on behalf of workmates and picture quality is excellent and quick at changing channels. The DBox2 is fantastic, I bought one from Germany and it is easily flashed with images freely available on the internet, I also put a local channel and bouquet file for my area and didn't have to scan for any channels. Picture quality is superb. The Dreambox is the ultimate as far as I can ascertain with the ability to record onto your PC and playback from PC (as can DBox2) The new Dreambox 600C will have an IDE interface to allow addition of a hard drive. Beware of buying the Dreambox on Ebay though, the seller with the ID starting with Kevin has been confirmed to be selling FAKE Dreamboxes.
as the starview boxes can easily re flashed with the cable do you know where to get the flash files from thanks daz