dbpoweramp problem

Discussion in 'Audio' started by JDS711, May 9, 2008.

  1. JDS711

    JDS711 Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I was using dbpoweramp 12.4 to convert some mp3's i had to a higher bitrate. I set it on VBR 220 kbps and converted the files. When I inspected the files after and checked the info the files now had a bitrate ranging from around 138 to 183 kbps. I know VBR has different bitrates for different parts of the mp3 and I was assuming these were the average? But I was surprised that the numbers were not closer to 220. Then I took one of the files that had a 138 kbps and converted it again but this time I used VBR 240 kbps (as high as the bar would go) and after the bitrate had not changed from 138? New to trying to do this so any insight as to why this would happen would be great.
  2. Digidave

    Digidave Regular member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    First, let me start out by saying, you can not raise the bitrate of an mp3 file. You are asking dbpoweramp to add information into the file & this simply cannot be done. You can only lower bitrates. Even then, it really isn't a good idea. Any time you convert a mp3 file you will lose a bit of quality. It is always best to convert from the original to an mp3 file of your liking.

    Secondly, It's been a long time since I used dbpoweramp so my answer will be a little more generic. You are correct when you say that those numbers you got were averages. When you set it to 220, that is the highest bitrate you will get. Some parts of the song may be really mellow & only need a bitrate of 64. In dbpoweramp, look around for something that will limit the lowest bitrate & try to set it to 128. Then that average will come out much higher. You may find a setting to set your optimal bitrate. This would be where you can set it for something like 192 & it will try to stay around that point but not go over 220.

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