At shutdown I am getting a window that pops up with End program DDE Sever . In order to shut down I have to click end program. Does anyone know what this is and how to remedy it? running Windows XP SP2
Quote from another site: This is really a workaround rather than a fix for the problem of the DDE Server not shutdown properly. Navigate to HKCU/Control Panel/Desktop within regedit and change the value of the String "AutoEndTasks" to 1 will force windows to automatically force the shutdown of the DDE server rather than asking for your input. Possible solution: My Computer -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer Once open, click to expand System, then Apps, one at at time. The right screen will have 'errors' and/or 'warnings'. Right click on any -> Properties -> Note error ID and Source -> click on MS site in blue -> Yes. This takes you to a help screen that hopefully will have the fixes. This will help you determine the causes and fixes. When you find the Event ID#, you can also get further info by plugging it into this site: I hope this information helps!