Hey. I bought a budget socket AM2 mobo a few months ago. I just searched for some ram and found DDR3! I didnt actually know this was out, but im wondering....will it work in a normal ddr2 slot? Or are there completely different kettles of fish?
Nope, DDR3 requires its own slot. I wouldn't bother with DDR3 yet, it's overpriced, the latencies are sick, and as you've seen, it's probably motherboard upgrade time to support it. Interestingly enough, Gigabyte's P35-DS3R comes in a C version that supports DDR3. It's the one I owned, purely coincidentally.
DDR3 isnt worth it. it provides almost no speed improvement. here are some benchmarks. http://www.tomshardware.com/2008/04/09/toms_ultimate_ram_speed_tests/