Dead or Alive Ultimate Box Set

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by etali, May 1, 2005.

  1. etali

    etali Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    I have a rather odd problem with the Dead or Alive Ultimate box set.

    It comes with 2 DVDs - Dead or Alive Ultimate 1 on one of them, and DOA Ultimate 2 on the other.

    I can back up DoA 1 just fine, but if I back up DoA 2, when I run it on the XBox it runs DoA 1 instead. I checked it wasn't something silly like Flash FXP or DVD Decryptor caching the files by backing up a different game (Outrun 2) and that one worked, so I'm guessing its something about the files on there.

    There's 5 .xbe files on the disc, dashupdate, default, update, and doa1 and doa2

    The doa1.xbe is slightly smaller than the same file on the DOA 1 DVD.

    Is it possible that both games are on the second DVD? If so would just deleting the doa1.xbe file from that DVD fix it?

    I'd try doing something like that as a shot in the dark, but after trying this a few times (the first time I thought I'd just been a dozy idiot and left the wrong DVD in the Xbox) I'm running out of DVDs *g*

    Thanks in advance.
  2. etali

    etali Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Sorry to answer myself but I thought I would bump this.

    Does anyone have any idea why Dead or Alive 2 backup runs as Dead or Alive 1?

    Thanks in advance.
  3. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    You don't need to back up the games on 2 discs, it's a waste. If you're interested I can show you how to make it so you'll get them on one disc with a screen selection of which game to play. If you take a look at the discs, they both contain the same DOA1 and DOA2 data, only difference is in the .txt and .xbe. I don't know why TECMO did that, but PM me with your email and I'll show you.

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