I just downloaded a game and these are the files that they were how would I burn this? I went under Nero and went to burn disc image and nothing showed up.
.sub, .img, .ccd are image files made by CLoneCD. You'll need it to burn them. OR Get UltaISO and you can convert to .bin/.cue (use Nero), .iso,(use Nero) Here are some links: Clone CD: http://www.slysoft.com/en/clonecd.html UltraISO: http://www.ezbsystems.com/ultraiso/ Nero: http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html Good Luck! Weycraze
hey , thanks I got it to work , but I was wondering if changing the format of the files would effect the graphics of the game at all or maybe the game is supposed to be that way.
Changing the file format won't affect game quality or graphics. The only thing I could think of is that if the person who made the image used settings to accomodate copy protection, then the person who is burning would want to use the same software with the same burn options. This along with some sort of emulation would enable the program to run from the original cd (image) possibly. I ususally end up coverting to .bin/.cue or .iso and using Nero or for .mds,.mdf, I'll use Alcohol