Deciding to move to another country

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by fruitfly, May 6, 2003.

  1. fruitfly

    fruitfly Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Well, I am thinking about moving to Canada. I am pretty sure I want to go, but a few friends of mine have pointed out a few things that made me think. My question is, have any of you ever made the decision to move somewheer, if so, how did you decide?

    Thanks everyone :)
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    I havent done anything but moved for the last 4 years :) I'm from Finland, lived in the NYC for bit over a year and then moved to London and now I'm planning to move to _somewhere_ else within next 6-10 months.

    Basically it all comes down to your preferences -- if you have family, its more difficult. If you prefer to have a job ready before you move, its more difficult. If you need to jump through the hoops to get a visa, its more difficult. If your native language is not spoken in that country, its more difficult. But its not impossible and it definately is worth it -- personally I loathe "2-week summer holidays", I think that only way you can ever grasp even a slightest idea of understanding other cultures is to live in another culture. You learn to appreciate other people and also see other countries' and your own country's good and bad sides much more clearly. And you find very, very bizarre differences between countries, even when you move around western countries.
  3. fruitfly

    fruitfly Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Thank you. Yeah, I actually have a few friends from another community that are going to help me out...I swear, we're like a family. One of them works for a company that has an office in the city I will most likely be moving to and will see what he can guarantees ofcourse. The part that scares me, or that I'm not sure about is the living situation. I live in Vegas now, and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to get all my stuff up there and find a place to live right away without spending tons of money traveling back and forth. Unfortunaltely, I don't know alot of people that move around alot.
  4. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Well, I can promise that if you move to any bigger Canadian city, the differences to the U.S. are very minimal, or that's at least my impression. If you would move to, say, Tokyo, the situation would be pretty much different then :)

    Expats are their own breed -- some people simply can't stay in one city or even country for too many years, they simply _have to_ move somewhere new every 2-4 years :)
  5. fruitfly

    fruitfly Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Well, thank you very much for the insight...I feel a lot less like I'm crazy for wanting to move :D. Some people say that living in Vegas is the best city in the world, but it really isn't. Oh and learn :)
  6. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Wow moving to Canada from Vegas, that will be a little bit of a culture shock. First off I am a Canadian living in Toronto, So I have bias. What city are you planing to move to, in all honesty every city in Canada is very different.
    One major generic difference for you will be the weather. I have relatives (really hard to explain, dad's exgirlfreind son's) who moved from the sunshine coast (near Vancouver) to Vegas. That difference was wet climat to crazy hot dry climat. Dispite what people may think, Toronto is on the same geographic line as California and the summers get to highs of 100F. I go on about weather as you will probally find this as your biggest problem.
    To help for finding a place all the big news papers in Canada are online, so if you have internet access you can look up places in your price range call them up and book a solid day of visiting them, by the end of one day you should have a place. This is what I did when I lived in Boston and needed a place in Toronto, the one I am still in now after a year.
  7. fruitfly

    fruitfly Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Well, the difference in weather shouldn't be too bad. I' haven't lived in Vegas too long, and moved here from colorado. The plan is to move to Calgary, Alberta. I hear it's nice there, and still close to the US.
  8. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Calgary is an interesting city see
    this is ( I think the official city website) here is all the links to just about everything you would want or not want to know about Calgary. Alberta is the only provice in Canada that is the closest to the US, well western US.
    The newspapers that are online are the Calgary Herald and the Calgary Sun, In these and on the official Calgary site you should be able to easily find a place.
    To belittle that weather point, it is currently snowing in Calgary with a temperature of -2C or 28F and you will soon learn about wind chill. With wind chill it is -6C or 20F right now.
  9. fruitfly

    fruitfly Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Thank you very much for all the informatio :D. Yeah, I haven't lived in Vegas long, I usually live in colder climates like Montana and Colorado, so I think the colder weather will be ok.

    Again, thank you very much.

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