I was told to ask this question here instead of the high resolution audio section. Qeuastion,is there a program that will decode DDsurround, or AC3, back to the 6 original audio tracks that make up the 5.1. Or DTS too if that is possible. THANX for any help.
If you have a soundcard that's capable of playing 5.1 surround, the software should have come with it. If you can't find the disc with the software, you can probably download it from their site. If your card can't handle 5.1, it will do you no good to have 5.1 decoding. If you're hooking your computer up to an A/V receiver, the receiver will do the processing (decoding) for you. If you're not hooking up to an A/V receiver, again, 5.1 isn't going to do you any good. Am I missing something here? What are you trying to do? Explain what you're trying to do, and we may be able to help more. Good luck!
What i mean is a program that will show you the 6 individual files and be able to lets say, save each file separate. adobe audition has a way of makeing 5.1 with 6 wave files but no way to put an allredy mixed down 5.1 back into it and be able to split them up. i'm doing this for a projecy. Thanx.
Hi There! If you are using DVD Shrink, I suggest you use ac3 5.1, that will play on anything, I've tried it. If you use the DTS mode it will only work with DTS compatible players or you will get no sound. I can play the Dolby 5.1 on my old two channel, but their is no sound with DTS. I can only play DTS on my better stereo.
@born1974.......... Sorry, I'm not familiar with software that does what you're asking. Good luck though!
@born1974 I found this [bold]old[/bold] post: http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-36382.html It mentions a program called BeSweet (http://besweet.notrace.dk/) that may be able to help you. Here's another link with some more recent info: http://forum.videohelp.com/viewtopic.php?p=1518007& Good Luck!