
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by gigiboy, May 4, 2006.

  1. gigiboy

    gigiboy Guest

    once i am done with the reading phase of decrypter and go to the writting phase i get an error message which tells me that there is not enough room on my blank dvd to write. i was under the impression that decrypter compensated for this.i use sony and tdk blank dvds.obviously someone else has had this problem and can help me.
  2. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    u will need dvdshrink to compress. look under my sig for guides on how to do this. u should be able to download it here..
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Check out gamename's links in his sig for the guides.It's the bbmayo guides.

    Dvd decrypter has 2 main modes. You have file mode and ISO mode. Huge difference between those modes,and it all depends on the size of the dvd you are ripping.

    File Mode: This is for those larger dvd-9's,and you are trying to compress them onto a blank dvd-5-single layer disc. You rip to harddrive using file mode,but remember where it goes/open up dvd shrink/open files/and locate that title.Then full disc/backup or re-author/backup and make sure all those backup options are set.

    ISO mode,also known as Mode ISO. This is for a 1:1 copy,no compression at all. For those smaller dvd-5 movies onto dvd-5's or larger dvd-9 movies onto dual layer/dvd-9 blanks.

    Mode ISO read to harddrive-remember where those files go/Mode ISO write/locate the MDS files/open/set burn speed/and burn. Very simple for those titles that don't need compressed,also a lot quicker.

    Say you need to make extra copies of one of your backups,this mode is the way to go.

    Basically: If you use dvd decrypter to rip,the size of the movie you are ripping makes a difference.
    Last edited: May 4, 2006

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