when i get to the "write" portion of decrypter, i get a message that states that it appears that there is not enough room on the blank dvd to write everything.it also asks if i want to continue anyway.what i would like to know is if there is a way to set decrypter to write the whole dvd.also, if i say to continue anyway will it write the whole dvd anyway
Decrypter cannot shrink dvd files. It can only burn a single layer disc to single layer media and Dual layer disc to DL media. Try using DVDShrink or CloneDVD, Shrink is freeware and Clone isn't (It has a 21 day trial period and is an excellent proggie IMO). Both programs will compress your dvd's enough to burn them. Both programs are still available with just a little searching. Your only other option would be dual layer media. Also be sure to use quality media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim, you wouldn't believe how important this is to the whole process!
You can get shrink here http://www.filehippo.com it will be in the CD and DVD tools section. And you can get clonedvd2 here http://www.slysoft.com/en/download.html Or You can try 1click dvd copy pro you get 10day trial or 3 movies to copy click here http://www.lgsoftwareinnovations.com/download.asp