deleted backup need help

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by ricanboi6, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. ricanboi6

    ricanboi6 Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    i accidently deleted my backup on my xbox tryin to softmod it does ne one kno how too get it back thanks
  2. Nate_2006

    Nate_2006 Guest

    I did the exact same thing dude I need help to
  3. ricanboi6

    ricanboi6 Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    yea well i just bought a new xbox this fourm sucks no help wuts so ever
  4. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    but because your post was inadvertantly overlooked, The site sucks??!!

    I personally respond to posts everyday. Did it ever occur to you that your question may have been answered elsewhere within the site? No!? Obviously not becasue you're too lazy to even look around at the progress made for an answer. Instead, you want to post a question and think once you hit submit one of us will be at your service. You are what's wrong with forums...THE TAKER, were givers.

    So, since you've [bold]TAKEN[/bold] an attitude out on our forum I'm [bold]GIVING[/bold] it right back!! I'd tell you to buy a new attitude but you probably spent all your money on that new xbox!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2005
  5. Flashed

    Flashed Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    lol!! idiots nicely done uniique1
  6. ricanboi6

    ricanboi6 Member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    no mayb i have a life and insted of lookin around this supid fuckin fourm and waitin for u nerds to answer my question i brought a new xbox yes this site fuckin sucks ban me i dont give a shit im not like u fuckin nerds i wont cut my wrist over this y dont every one of u acually go outside and find a gurlfriend pay sports do sumthen other then fuckin around on the computer
  7. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Look little boi,

    Here's a little background: 26, Current US Air Force Firefighter, Active Duty for 9 years, served in Iraq from Feb. 04 to July 04, our base was bombed everyday for almost 180 days, saw fellow military members die (not doing anything extravagent) they were sleeping and hit by mortars while asleep, husband, father, part-time computer technician, was member of Air Force soccer team and track team, currently playing league basketball for the Air Force, and as far as getting a girlfriend I was single once. [bold]GET A LIFE[/bold]Are you serious...I spend my life defending you and your freedom. Afterdawn is a relaxtion point for me with good people...If you hate us so much [bold]Quit replying to this thread and cancel you account. TRUST ME[/bold] We will be fine without you.
  8. Achilles3

    Achilles3 Guest

    Quit flamming ricanboi6a because nobody could have helped you with your original question, that was just a stupid mistake on your part. Should have done more research before you attempted it. Besides, it's nobody's job to help anybody on here. We involuntarily do this as a hobby and help spread the knowledge, not like we're getting paid for it. So suck it up.

    God bless uniique1.
  9. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Thank you Achilles3,

    GOD has and he will continue to bless us all.
  10. gamemaste

    gamemaste Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    lol this reply is aimed torwards nate_2006 (i was deeply offended by lazy ppl such as ricanboi6): if u delete ur games i believe its gone 4ever
  11. papifred

    papifred Member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    It's funny that individuals like "ricanboi6" scream for help trying to dirt others with his own stupidity... You know, that's why things like this happend to guys like you, because of your incompetence and lack of respect. You need to get a life, and a good one, not us. I wonder why the ricanboy, "tu eres un boricua sucio, aprende modales so mamao." I apologize with other collages for the language discharge. Well, to show you no HF I'm gonna help you. If you deleted, it's gone. I think you did'nt know that.... that's why you post "this" in the first place, Right?, no sarcasm... !!!
    Uniique1, my repect to you.
  12. Mpdogg25

    Mpdogg25 Guest

    Ricanboi6, the whole point of making a backup is to have a safe copy of your data in a place that it won't be tampered with. If you make a folder in a directory called "backup" then why the hell would you delete it. When I make backups I also burn them to a "backup cd" just in case, hard drives do crash and computers to frig up on an occasional basis. Seems to me like you expect members of the forum to summon the backup fairy and un-delete your backup and when you didn't get a response you instantly flamed everyone on the board. You sir need to get a life, if you get that pi$$ed when something dosen't go your way I feel sorry for girfriend.
  13. Ichijoe

    Ichijoe Regular member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    It could also be of some help to you (as for those around you), if you actully were to put some of that Knowledge you should have learnd in your English Class like proper Spelling and Gramer to some use. I'm over 30 Myself and I don't 1337sp33k.

    Perhaps a more thoroughly written qustion that [/i]most People could actully read![/i] would have brought you a quicker responce. Hell you could've lied and said Einglish was a Second Languge or something. God help us if this is what the US Public School System is turning out these Days!

    As for your question though. Ugh "Tough Sh*t!" springs lovingly to mind. Your a n00b who thought he could have his cake and eat it too. Now you know why 'Softmoding' is not for n00bs. Even those People who made the Hacks possible in the first place will tell you that, keeping a 'Softmod' "up and running" is a real bitch. When you have a dozen or so DVD's like the StarWars Boxset with it's enbedded .xbe File in the 4th DVD just waiting to overwite your Softmod! not to mention any actuall Game Content (i.e. Live!™), Games, out there!

    You have about Two choices left to you. 1) Get a Modchip and download an Install CD (i.e. Slayers or Auto Installer Pro),. Or 2) Look on eBay for the XBOX™ Maintenance Refresh Disc: eBay Item number: 8214163643

    And that's it!
    Did that answer all your questions?!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2005

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