I no longer have an iPod, but iTunes is my preferred mp3 player. I have no need for the iPod service and I do not want it running. I've tried stopping, disabling and deleting the iPod service, but it always returns when I start iTunes. Would it be safe or even a good idea to delete the exe all together?
you dont need it its only used when you plug in the ipod so just cntrl - alt - delete and find the process and end the tree.
I have ended it via Task Manager. I even deleted the iPodService.exe, but it came back the next time I ran iTunes.
hmm im not sure i guess itunes has some kind of dependancy on that service umm .. how much mem usage is it useing? tht u want to end it.
It never uses more than 5,000 K. It's not any trouble to me. I just don't see a need for it since I don't have an iPod and therefore, I do not want it running. But in any case, I think you're right. iTunes seems to have a dependency and I can't remove it permanently. It always 'reinstalls' when I open iTunes. Thanks though.