OK so I know this tool is used to depin the 24pin ATX and 8pin power connectors, but can it also be used for pci express connectors? They look the same to me... and I have a modular psu, and the ends that plug into the psu are the same as a pci express plug, so could it in theory be used for those too?
Yeah bud, going to re-sleeve all the cables on my new PSU in UV yellow. Any tips for me? Also, off topic, but the 4890 came out here today, so you think it will be another month before the x2? And, is a 1000w PSU necessary or could I get away with 850?
Are you sure? No word of it round here. Unusual to see a graphics card actually in stock somewhere without hearing anything about it first. Edit: My mistake, they're already selling in the far east... US/Europe are due them in the first week of April. The GTX275 is also due along at the same time. Not quite sure why, I'd expect the HD4890 to compete with the 280 or 285, unless it really is a bit of a bum upgrade. I certainly hope not. As for the PSU sleeving, I haven't done it myself, but know from my friend's experience you'll need patience to do the ATX connector I ran a 4870X2 and overclocked Q9550 off a Corsair HX 520W.
Yep, positive. Radeon 4890 I used an online PSU calculator and it said that 750w would be the peak I would need for what I put in, I figure 850w is cutting that a bit fine isn't it?
See my above edit. Those PSU calculators are absurd. As I say, I ran: Q9550 @ 3.87Ghz 1.25 -> 1.43V Radeon HD4870X2 Gigabyte X38-DS4 Three hard disks 2x2GB RAM off a 520W Corsair HX. The 680i motherboards use a bit more power, but not by that much than the X38. A 620 HX would handle your system with a 4890X2, I'd guarantee it.
Hmm, not sure how much voltage you need to throw at the i7s to get them to 4Ghz. You might want more in the vein of 700W to be safe. Since nobody makes a nice quiet 700,750 or 800W power supply though, my favourite PSU if the 620W HX won't do is the Zalman ZM850-HP. I run TWO X2s off that and it doesn't bat an eyelid.