Nice stuff, mine is dull in comparison ^^searching at speed for cool themes^^ What system monitor do you use, i love the dials.
The dials actually tell the cpu usage, email, how much ram is being used...all that good stuff to get the SysMetrix program (dials) go to, it uses up system resources though. Go to wincustomize to customize your desktop.
Here's mine, cluttered and messy right now. Resized it cause my res is 1600 X 1200, and didn't want to post a pic that big.
if any one needs help to change the color scheme with thier start bar just ask and Ill be glad to help.
here's my little thang: it's a little crowded, but still simple, clean, and (IMHO) pleasant to look at.
oh, and a thanks out to geestar. because of that link he posted, i now have wolves on my boot screen!
just wanted to send out a warning: I checked out that link, and while SysMetrix works great, I was checking out other programs on that wincustomize site, and downloaded bootskins, which lets you change the starup screen with various pictures. The progam claimed to be completely harmless, but when I went to restart, the new logo came up, got the blue screen of death (which is pretty rare for XP) and restarted. Luckily I backed up my system the night before, and was able to restore without losing anything. Just wanted to warn people, don't use bootskins...nasty program. But SysMetrix is pretty cool, I just wish you could customize the skins more.
I dont ever fusk with boot applications, Im glad it worked for -Auslander- but I would never do it again..bad expeirence before. @-djscoop- You can customize it, theres like 55 pages of different SysMetrix to choose from. if you have issues uploading them just go to SysMetric configuration/Import themes/and select the one you wanna import, there are also some with multiple colors so you will have to pull them out if the zip folder and import them.
yeah I found a bunch of cool skins to download, I meant I wish you could customize the individual skins more. like I found a cool meter one that has analog audio-like meters, but it has like 3 just for memory, and you can't change them. but I've found some good ones, and all in all is pretty cool. yeah, learned my lesson about booting. no matter how safe the programs claims to be, its not worth it.
oh ok, yeah I know what you mean about customizing more. post a new updated desktop -djscoop- lets see what you have done.
I really like this desktop pic. Its actually SNOT, captured under an electron microscope. Got it from Off to watch the SuperBowl and get drunk!
This is the clutter left after I cleaned it up. I'm one of those really lazy people that hates to use the start menu. I even made a shutdown shortcut for the I like having everything that I use right there available to me. I am proud of myself since I cleand out the start menu. It was about 4 tabs wide and I'm down to two now. I can't keep track of the mahjong games that keep getting downloaded by the woman.