Any suggestions on how to desolder this? I have tried with just a normal soldering iron, but the holes are just too small. Please help if possible.
First-what exactly are you trying to desolder? Second-you could try a solder-sucker/bulb or even some desoldering braid/wick
I'm trying to desolder the part on the board so I can put in the Xcuter 3 chip with the pin head thing.
if you do it that way you could risk not haveing a proper connection....but if you still ant to. What you can do is use a really sharp tip on your iron and heat it up...then enter the soldered over pin hole from the bottom. Once the tip is poking through you can use desoldering braid to suck up the solder from the top. Be carefull though,it's easy to bridge your points this way. A solder sucker would be better at this. the main thing you have to worry about is to not take too much solder away from the connections.
Or you could do it the easy way and do the wire install...
Practice on an old radio or something first....soldering surface points can be frustrating at first if you're not used to them.