So,one day I was using AID Deluxe 4.10 and flashed it with EvoX. the problem is that the plug was loose and it came out in the middle of installation. So now when I boot up I get flubber screenthen switches to blank screen (I cant boot Slayers or AID anymore). Did I brick my xbox? If I didn't then can you tell me how to fix it? Thanx in advance, Hackaveli
no you can fix this im almost in the same bundle did you ever back your harddrive if not look for slayers evox you can get the torrent for it from xbins ill tell you how later installer and get xboxhdm
same happened here......but i f u have splinter cell and have linux and AIO installer on the action replay memory unit then may b u can still fix first put splnter cell disc in let load (2)load the linux then it my load the aio
The thing is I can't boot up anything. The Game disc or AIO just boots to a blank screen or hangs at flubber screen
Well try putting in the disc in then restart if i does work then u pretty much screwed try reformatting ur hard drive
There is a soft-mod you can perform without using action replay or one of the exploited games. The tut I used for it is here: After doing this, your hdd will be fixed and willl have the evox dash. You can then use AID to install the additional programs you want. On a side note: after doing the soft-mod described above I found that installing a primary dashboard from AID did not work. I had to install unleashx by replacing evox in the ROOT dir (btw, this is not the root directory of E:, but a folder named ROOT) of the E drive. AID did work for installing additional software though. -v
when it boots to the hanging fluber screen plug in a ethernet cord and connect it to your hub or router. then try to login to it tell me what happens couse half of your dash is installed the skins and the .ini most of not maded it.
try to login to what? also i don't want to do hotswap bcuz i shocked myself a bunch of times last week trying it. o and about the eeprom. i have it backed up on the stock hd of the xbox (im a retard i kno) which i cant access. So im in a fix here, if i need modchip then can you point me to one that costs less than 60$ and is solderless. cuz i think i would screw my xbox up soldering. and offtopic, can smartxx lt opx work properly using a xapter, if so can u link to tutorial. TNX VERY MUCH I APPRECIATE IT! Hackaveli
Read my tutorials, especially the Hotswap ones. If you follow my guide to the letter, there is no danger and it's really easy!
Thanx but I don't want to risk a paperweight hard drive so I'm going to get a SmartXX v3 from Divineo. Does it work with a Xapt3r (not xapter)
Oh Crap! I turned my xbox off without the ide cable in when i was performing hotswap. It happened cuz I got shocked. O no im in a predicament. Do I need modchip? Cuz as I said above ill either get the SmartXXv3 with Xapt3r from divineo (50 buck deal, nice) or get a new box. SO what im asking here is do i need a modchip?
Yep modchip! You might be lucky, turn it back on and see what error you get! As long as it's not a 5 you'll be fine!
Thanks for all your help!!! But one more question before I buy a Xecuter3, should I flash it with the newest Xecuter3 bios. Oh and can you use (with a modchip) a unlocked drive in a normal game or dashboard (like say im using a game, and i want to load a game from the unlocked drive (as if i can't lock it) would it work?) Thanx to evryone at afterdawn who helped me again.