i have a ds with a acekard2 and am getting my daughter a dsi for christmas. i already have a spare acekard2i. i have read some stuff on diffrent loaders and stuff for the dsi for the acekard to work so im guessing its diffrent than from the ds lite. can somebody please bring me up to speed on whats diffrent between using the 2 cards. do i just need to put the latest firmware on the acekard for the dsi and not worry about it anymore like i did with the ds lite? whats the loaders for. is there a way to avoid updating the dsi firmware? i downloaded the newest firmware from acekard. is that all i need. thanks for help or links.
2 parts to 2i 1) The kernal - this needs to be updated to suit the DSi, if its firmware 1.4 on the DSi you need the right Kernal on the Acekard 2i 2) The loader, you can use the official one or the Akaio one, this I believe is the same as the DS version
thanks for hte answer. you say the kernal? i take this as the firmware. my dsi is ver 1.4u i have tried both newest firmwares and updated the loaders in the akiao firmware. the card will show up but when i boot it i get a black screen with a error message. ive tried it im my de lite and have no problem. my car is a acekard2 that says dsi compatle. im at a loss for what the problem is. thanks for any help