Hello, I am looking for a good place in Toronto to mod my Xbox... I have heard good things about "Compusale" (Company named Digital-Mods webiste www.digital-mods.net) does anyone know the location of this store?... I here its HWY 404 & Major Mackenzie, but can anyone give me an exact address and there phone number. Thanks, any help would be appriciated...
'I have the address: Digital Mods Mailing/Shipping Address: Digital Mods PO Box 56004 102 Highway 8 Stoney Creek, ON L8G 5C9 http://www.digital-mods.net/contact.htm
Sorry, I thought you meant the general address. The only thing I suggest is trying to email them for their Toronto address.
Well then if you don't want to go through the hassle, just softmod your xbox. It's much easier and you can do it yourself.