Hi Floks I am using a digivox in barbados for MCTV which is working great some one else programed it. the system info screen says this model name = digivox s/w version = v02-2.500bk boot version = 01 date = 1.jan.2007 I got a new digivox xl and was wondering where i can find the loader and file or files to get the new box working Thanks. MCTV = Multichoice TV in Barbados.
as i said loader the same and xl file to use vers.1220 should be in library in eamos or oggnoggs sorry as i have no links but browse other posts links under their names.
Downloader10, http://www.4shared.com/file/41965575/d5b673c2/_2__downloader10.html Firmware, http://www.4shared.com/file/52998714/7a1765b3/digivoxxl_v1220_api.html
Thanks guys 1 more question is there a s/w 10-2.0000 for the digivox xl seem thats the firmware I need for the box? thanks