hey i have a xbox 360, a pc, and 5.1 speakers. i have the speakers connected to my pc. but i want to also connect the x360 to the speakers. but the speakers have no input jack so i went with line in. i connected my x360 to line in, pc. how do i configure the line in to play on my speakers? i know it can be recorded and than played back but that would be stupid with playing games. ty
Try the Windows Control Panel. Go to Sound and Audio Devices. Click on the tab for Audio. In the middle section (Sound Recording) click on Volume and make sure Line In is selected. Close that out and go to Sound Playback. Click on Volume and make sure your Line-In is not muted. That may work.
i selected the line in as the prior sound recorder and unmuted it, but i cant seem to find the playback menu
Got me there. I eBayed my Vista disc because it sucks so badly, though I think there is a way to switch to "Classic" control panel, and that may be more like what I posted.