dirty or damaged disk???

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by spydiver, Jun 19, 2005.

  1. spydiver

    spydiver Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    gday, have been searching the forums and need a bit of advice..hope its not a repeated question, if so sorry in advance :)
    have tried to back up Brothers in arms but when i try to play the copy the game freezes up as soon as i touch any buttons on my controller. also tried to back up my conflict vietnam many times but have given up as it always reads 'dirty or damaged disk error'. even my orig disk says that, can only start the game from turning the xbox on with disk in it...mates copy does the same..any suggestions?
  2. jasin39

    jasin39 Member

    Feb 13, 2005
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    i noticed you said "mates". Are you by chance not located in U.S? I only ask because i dont know if youre using a pal xbox or pal version of the game. I have ntsc xbox and used Pxhddloader to backup my copy and it works fine.

    if u are using a pal system, i am afraid i cannot help you as i dont know anything about the pal versions of xbox or software. if your running ntsc system. I assume u are using a modded system so try the usual things. Turning off IGR(in game resets) in the system options settings of evox. dont forget to save. If u have to try exchanging ur copy for a new one. most stores will do a even exchange for exact same title only. even w.o a store receipt. take a new copy and try to re-rip it to your xbox hd.

    see if any of this helps and best of luck
  3. spydiver

    spydiver Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    yep your right im not from the US..'mates' is a bad habit of mine...my system is PAL.
    well ive tried a few different options but still no luck..oh well..ive got the orig copy so i guess that will have to do for now. thanks for the advice any way i appreciate it
  4. jasin39

    jasin39 Member

    Feb 13, 2005
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    dont worry bout the "mates" thing. dont take this wrong,, but where ever ur from chances are its better there than it is here. Does ur xbox have some sort of auto Region setting. have u used craxton to patch the xbe file on the xboxs hd? also hit the usual places on the web to try and find a patched .xbe. I dont know if craxton patches pal games or not. do u have a dvd region free dvd player program on ur system.

    I got new idea. put in your backed up game or if youre running off the hd, launch mediacenter then under MY Programs, u should have a list of ur backed up games try lauching under that.
  5. spydiver

    spydiver Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    thanks i will give the mediacenter a go as soon as i get home from work, hadnt thought of that one. if that doesnt work then its back to the forums or search for the .xbe you mentioned. thanks again

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