i am trying to use AnyDVD and CloneDVD but I am having a problem when it comes time to burn it does not recognize my media when it is inserted into the drive. I have tried Sony DVD-R & DVD+R that work with no problem in my other computer. I have a Philips CD/DVD RW SCB5265 drive Please advise
Could you please give a little more info?? Does it give you any error windows?? Please post some more info.
If your drive does not recognize your blank media, its possible that you might need to upgrade your firmware.
lol that was so obvious i didnt even think of it! lol oops panasta Nick600 is right update your firmware and tell us how it works for ya.
I updated my Philips CDRW/DVD SCB5265 (rev. TD17) through Dell (could not find the firmware on the firmware site) and still having the problem...I have tried both Sony DVD+R & DVD-R
Deffently a drive problem...... I can tell you right now what your problem is. It is a CD-RW/DVD combo. Which means it burns CD-RW but only reads DVD's not burn them.
Theres ben plenty of people that has made the misyake. No need to worry about it. Have to learn somehow.
If you are interested in getting a DVD-burner you should look at newegg they usually have a model from BenQ available for $30 or so and BenQ is a dependable/trustworthy brand.
Same here I was given a I/O Mega drive as a gift. It turned out to be a rebadged BenQ 1620 Pro. Many I love that drive does every format + and - even Dual Layer burns!!