I have an ABIT NF7-S2G Motherboard ATI Radeon 9550 256MB Video 1GB Ram 17" Sharp LCD monitor The problem is that when the computer boots up, the ABIT logo is split into three images. Part of it is in the upper left side of the screen, some in the upper right, and some at center. Then the POST screen is fine as well as when i'm in DOS. When I try to boot to Windows, the split screen happens and then there is no screen. Any help would be nice. I've read that the BIOS should be flashed yet how do you do that if you can't get the computer to work enough to do so. Thank you.
can you try another videocard on your computer & your videocard on another computer to see if the problem stays with the motherboard or follows the videocard? do you have a floppy drive?
It sounds like your video card is dying. I just had a Radeon 9700 Pro go belly up, after just less than 3 years, and ATI replaced it, with a 9800 Pro, free. My screen had a multitude of square blocks in it. It was not split. As ddp suggested, see if you can install a different video card to see if it works ok. If it does, then you know that your ATI is dying. BTW, if you are running Windows 2000, update it to SP4.
I do have a floppy drive. As far as SP4 goes, I'll update it as soon as I can see the screen. The windows CD I have is SP1 unfortunately. I haven't tried my video card on another computer but I will. I've tried another monitor and got the same response. Also, the video card is brand new. I know that doesn't mean that it should work, but I just thought I'd throw it out there. Thanks for all the responses.
the reason for asking if you had a floppy drive is if the abit has live update for the bios but having trouble seeing it than can download the bios flash program & updated bios onto a bootable floppy & flash from the floppy.