Yes, I've read the guide. I've searched the forums a bit, but there are so many resaults to my searches, and some of my questions are a bit broad. Anyways, my situation is as follows... I have a 26 episode anime series in DivX format that I want to burn to DVD. I'll make up some nice menus and such, but we'll get to that later... right now, I just want them on disc. Now, I have the series on retail DVD, those are my nice high quality versions, but I also would like my avi versions on DVD (they are slightly different, and I'd like to always have them.) I planned on cramming as many episodes on one disc as possible, I don't care too much about the quality, VCD quality is enough. Now, I follow the guide on this site, but I have problems... 1) A few files won't open when selecting the source. The exact error message is "can not open, or unsupported." They play fine on the computer as AVIs... 2) The show is in 16:9, it always encodes in a different ratio, not matter what I set it at. 3) The encoding process is screwed sometimes... it says the file is going to be 29.97fps (it's actually 23.97) and also wants to make the files 73 minutes long, when it reality, it's only 24 and a half minutes. What's up? I've tried various settings, these problems stay around regardless... I've tried NTSC,NTSC Low Quality... ect... I'd like to do NTSC Low Quality, because I don't need high quality, and I can fit more episodes on there. Anyways, I'm new to this. I've done VCDs before, but this is kind of puzzling me. Anyone have any answers or tips for me?
I think this thread might have been better placed in one of the other forums like DivX. It has little to do with DVD and mostly to do with how to convert DivX files before putting them on DVD. Here is one thread from User submitted guides that seems to answer some of your questions.
Thanks for your reply, my appologys if this was in the wrong forum, I thought the DivX forum was about converting things to DivX, but I can see the error now. The topic linked has helped me with a few problems. Thank you. Maybe I can figure out the others now that I know these answers.