i recently downloaded divxtodvd so i can make a music video compilation dvd consisting of music videos i downloaded off the net. everything came out good,everything i wanted on the dvd was on the dvd.the dvd is about little over an hour of music videos mostly coldplay.now heres where the problem starts.i put the dvd in my standalone player,loaded fine,everything played fine for about the first half of the dvd,then the second half of the dvd the audio wasnt matching up to the lip movement,it was off by about half a second,why does this happen and how do you fix this problem,thanx in advance.
Well you should allways decompress the audio in your AVI files before you convert them to DVD because some audio Formats tend to go out of Sync after encodeing.... You can download a Simple tool here that will decompress the audio in your AVI files which should help with yourt sync problems... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=01CT6LNE Also what are you useing to Join your AVI files together?? Cuz Some programs can cause sync problems when Joining Files.... Cheers
well i was using divxtodvd when i made that 1st dvd.but now i did it using nero vision express 2,and everything worked great,so its all good now.thanx for the reply anyways.