Latest gadget for Ipod with Video on-screen programming looks interesting. Has anybody tried out this unit yet?? Looking for feedback especially for sound/video quality though !!!!! Zimer
I've never tried it, but heard of it. It seems a bit steep, though, at $150, but may be worth it. It looks like a great product, although the quality may or may not be good. It's really a hit or miss with those kinds of things. I may purchase one if I hear good reviews anout it.
Been hearing about it a lot. Several Vendors have stated B/O situation due to huge demand. Hope it lives to its promises. Guess we will hear about it soon one way or the other. Older version HomeDock was quoted to have had some sound/video problems or rather not very crisp. Have 5th 60g, and will await more feedback from others. Kinda convenient though leaving it plugged to the receiver and TV and using the remote to browse. What's next?? Zimer