Hi, I'm also very new at this thing. I am using DVD Decrypter and I see where other members are specifying that you must first checked that the drives have DMA enabled and that you must check your ASPI layers before you can begin using DVD Decrypter Can someone tell me specifically: 1.) How this is done 2.) What the setting should be 3.) Where to go to get these files I'm using Windows XP - Home Edition Thanks for any help
Hi, For DMA info try this link: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/device/storage/IDE-DMA.mspx And for ASPI try here: http://www.hazza.dsl.pipex.com/faq.htm#ASPI Those links should get you started
Good evening Nephilim, nice of you to post those URLs for GAC030658. I've got a simple question. [bold]Have you tried DVD Decrypter to see if it is functioning properly?[/bold] Sometimes it requires no additional input, as in my case. There are other interfaces as well as the ASPI. I never add fixes unless I suspect something is wrong, such as a program like Decrypter failing to function. Did it fail to work or are you doing these things in anticipation of a problem? In case you wonder, we have the same operating system, XP Home. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
Thanks to both Nephilim & Brobear for your input. I am inquiring since the first time I tried to make a copy of the DVD "Hard TO Kill" (with Decrypter and Sonic RecordNow) it successfully went thru the process of ripping and copying. As a matter of fact, both applications gave me the messages "Completed Successfully". However, went I tried to play it back (with Power DVD) it gave me a message "Improper DVD Format". So I figured maybe my setting were wrong.
The recording software utilized the decrypted files. So, I doubt the problem resides with DVD Decrypter. Do you have another player to try. Intervideo has a trial download you can use if not. I'm not familiar with recordnow, but check, if it has it, the format you're burning to. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
I use the Orlogix version of RecordNow DX so I don't know if the Sonic version has the same quirk, but the Orlogix version like to default to TAO (not closed) which will give you a bum disc since with that setting the disc doesn't get finalized. If the Sonic version is similar, on the main screen where you add your files there should be an "Options" tab right next to the "Add Files and Folders" tab. Click the Options tab and make sure that you're using the option TAO (Closed) so the disc gets finalized. Here's a link to an outstanding guide for setting up RecordNow properly to burn DVDs: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/record_now.htm
Once again, thanks to both Nephilim & Brobear for their input and comments. By utilizing both of their suggestions I was able to solve my problem. It seems all my settings were OK and no additional input on my part was required. I did not need the links Nephilim provided, but they did make for great reading and information. I am now a litle more informed on the subjects. Great stuff. Thanks. The problem did not reside with Decrypter. The Sonic version was similar to the version Nephilim has. I click the options tab to make sure that I was using the option TAO (Closed) and then picked the proper burning format from another option tab. The disc got finalized and everything is GREAT. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The members and readers at afterdawn are the greatest. Thanks Guys
Nephilim, my sentiments exactly. GAC030658 Glad we could be of help and that your problem got solved.
Have to do something besides scratching fleas oh masterful one. Glad to see you out and about sophocles.
Just wanted to let both Nephilim & Brobear know how much I appreciated their help, suggestions and guidance. I have used the DVD Decrypter on a few other occasions and I am happy to say that I have been successful at copying each one. I see where there is a new version of the Decrypter ver Have you guys been using this newer version and are there any things I need to know about it before I get rid of the old version ? Would appreciate any comments. Thanks GAC
To me it is just some improvements over the old. The version history can give you the particulars of the changes from one version to the next. I'm using the newer version and it is working flawlessly. Just click on the Help on the DVD Decrypter toolbar and you can navigate to the site or find out all kinds of info about the program. We appreciate the thanks and you're welcome.