dma question

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dougga22, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. dougga22

    dougga22 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    When checking to see if I have dma and pio I notice that in both the listings for primary decive I have ultra dma mode 5 and mode 2 but when checking the secondary IDE, there are two listings and in each case under device 0,1 "not applicable" is listed each time.
    I have tried to uninstall and restart but get the same results.

    I have one dvd ram burner and one dvd that is not a burner.

    Should I have dma listed somewhere in my secondary ide other than
    auto detection
    dma if available
    not applicable

  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    They should be set to DMA if available. Change the setting to that and then reboot. Check the setting after the boot has completed.

    Post back the results.

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