Do I need new TMPGEnc Sound Plug-in?????? Oh and Thanks

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by tinione, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. tinione

    tinione Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    Hey everyone, thanks to all of you wonderful people with your vast knowledge (I am still wondering how in Hell do you guys know so much about this stuff) on this forum, I have successfully backed up my episodic dvds with newly created menus on excellent media (ritek).

    I am going to purchase the license for this Tmpgenc authoring software as my free trial period comes to an end. I noticed they are offering a bundle deal with this sound plug-in for 89.00. My question is, what is the purpose of this plug-in, and do I really need it? I read that it can decode or encode dolby sound but could someone explain this to me in layman terms and the benefits when burning a dvd. I am still very new at this and lack the sophistication necessary to understand the audio differences. Thanks again.
  2. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Personally I only have [bold]TMPGEnc DVD Author[/bold] (as I feel that is the only Pegasys product I need)...

    Hope that helps ;-)

    P.S. TMPGEnc Plus is just too slow for my liking , plus I dont want to have to re-mux :)
    And you should be okay with sound plug in , as most of us are.
    (But I will go have a look at that latest bulk package deal)
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    Last edited: Feb 26, 2004

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