Ok Ok , i know for all you pro modders out there its probably a really stupid question, however I have everything available here other than the actual memory card. Or do I have to spend the cash and order an action replay????
I think you can softmod by attaching a USB cord to your controller somehow. I'm not really sure how to do it because I used AR.
tejmar, do u have a friend with a modded (chipped or softmodded, no matter) xbox? If so, then ya, u can...
no all my friends are too chicken when it comes too modding!!! I have already spliced a usb cable into my controller, and have been pursuing purchasing AR, but its seems either very hard to find in Australia, or if you can find one its a bloody rip off!!! I have heard that perhaps you can use a usb flash drive by attaching it to your controller, has anyone heard of this?? Know any forums??
I don't know because I have tryed this and my computer has a different format for my jump drive than my Xbox so when plugged into my Xbox it reformats it. But if you are using Xbox to Xbox then a jump drive is handy to have. *Edit* - I say stick with Action Replay.
I don't think you do. See this link. I'm not sure you can do this without the exploits but its worth a look. http://www.geocities.com/daseamonkey420/xISO.html Scott
woohoo!!!! I found someone in Oz that had AR and didnt want too much $$$$ for it. I now have a modded xbox!!!! thanks heaps guys!!!!
Not that you need it anymore, but in case anyone else does, there is a memory card/voice driver for the xbox controller usb adapters(including the homemades of course.) that can be used quite effectively.