Do not draw wrong cartoons !

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by dfwta, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. dfwta

    dfwta Regular member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Do not draw wrong kind of cartoons. You can get 1,5 billion terrorists after you ! Good luck !
  2. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    and especially don't puiblish them in national newspapers
  3. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    I feel that one should try to lead a 'balanced' life.
    Is it possible that religion is far too important to some people?
    Most religions are full of wisdom and philosophy (people used to [bold]think[/bold] more when there was no electricity) but it is important not to take religious concepts too literally...
    To have your whole life, your entire existence revolve around religion, is just wrong!
    My $0.02...
  4. Logik666

    Logik666 Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Arn't they the ones that always go on about how violence and stuff is against there religion?

    Heres a rant i found the other on this subject... (scroll down to "Muhammad Is Your Puppet Master")

    Um never mind, i think this is a direct link.


    off topic but, if anybody is interested in conspiracy theorys and stuff watch this movie. Its about 9/11, some of you may find it interesting.

    home page=


    legal download.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2006
  5. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Logik666: that chaotictruth seems awesome; I'll have to check it out more closely when I get home from work.
  6. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    I seriously don't see what the fuss is all about with those cartoons.
    You'd never see the catholics react like that whenever cartoonists made fun of the pope.
    This kind of cr@p is the reason that i despise ALL religions...
  7. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I have some sage wisdom to share: "Religion is like a fart; everyone's stinks except your own".

    That from an ex catholic seminarian.

    Americans seem rather indifferent to religious humor but the Brits and the Irish have it down to an artform!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2006
  8. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    I'm supposed to be a catholic,but i lost faith at the age of 9 :)
  9. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i love how they're proving the comic right XD
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    You're smarter than me, Daniel; took me a long time. Actually wanted to be a catholic priest when I was young (I think I was programmed that way 'cuz I was the youngest. Spent a number of years in the seminary where, I confess (he-he), I learnt my favorite bad habits before deciding that they were the only things worth knowing in that place.
  11. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    religion is something that was created with the intent of keeping the human race from going insane with the fear of death.

    unfortunately religion has turned many people of a certain faith insane to the point that they call for beheadings and jihad over a cartoon,

    surely no religion with a true god would ever wish death upon others no matter what the situation.

    i think that every person that attended the riots related to this cartoon should be shot dead without question (not including law enforcement officers)as its quite obvious that they are all extremists and could easily be and most likely already are a threat to public safety.
  12. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

    To quote a famous singer :
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2006
  13. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    I think a lot of this might be due to the fact that many of these people and countries are third-word or quasi so and uneducated, very superstitious and respectful/fearful of their authority figures. Take south africa in the early 90s; health organizations were making pretty good progress convincing even married couples to use protection until HIV testing could be established in their areas. In comes the pope who some consider a saint and tells them that if they wear a rubber they'll burn in hell. I needn't tell you what happened! The catholic church ended up being a big contributer to the AIDS problem. There is simply a certain type of thinking amoung the uneducated and third world types that these people who are telling them what to do must be right because of who they are. A sort of manifest destiny thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2006
  14. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    people rioting in london arent from the 3rd world m8
  15. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Did you see some of the placards those protesters were holding. Outrageous.
  16. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    no offence to any other ethnic backgrounds here but i know full well that if those protesters had been white all of them would have been arrested and charged for promoting violence...

    i mean just imagine what would have happened a bunch of white people walking around shouting "death to muslim cartoonists" with signs saying "behead all those who defy england"

    but if they had arrested the muslim rioters the police would have been called racist for doing so and they would all have been released.

    The world has gone mad

    everyones a racist apart from a black man
  17. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    The thing that annoys me is Arab countries asking why the western world hates them when they know full well it was Bin Laden that masterminded 9/11 and killed over 3,000 people.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2006
  18. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    and not to mention if a westerner goes to Iraq there's a 98% chance they won't come out alive.
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @SypherTec: My apologies guy! I didn't know people we're rioting in London ... that hasn't made the new here at all. Just Pakistan, Indochina, Lebanon etc. etc. Riots in England seems to have escaped notice of the press on this side of the pond...not surprising though I guess; rioting in the Arab world is more sensational and legitimizes certain agenda (agendae? agendum? agendi? jeez my grammar sucks!)
  20. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Us Brits have an incredibly complex sense of humour, ridicule & satire, esp political & religious, are our most popular. We enjoy poking fun at everyone, that is why I like Trey Parker & Matt Stone, Matt Groening, Seth McFarlane. They like to tell it how life really is. The more cutting the better as far as I am concerned.

    The fact that there is rioting because of these cartoons just shows the complete lack of tolerance or understanding of the western way of life. I find this worrying, as nearly all learned Muslims insist that Islam is a peace loving religion. I tend to concur with them. Just because a few people acts irresponsibly, does not mean they all are. Fundamentalist Christians do not have a good track record.

    "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone"

    Those were words of great wisdom. Whether Jesus said it or not, is up to the individuals' belief.
    I am not a religious person, I thank my parents for that.

    [bold]I am glad that I am not.[/bold]

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