Do you think the Nintendo DS Lite price will drop?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by rhallquis, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. rhallquis

    rhallquis Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    Do you think that the Nintendo DS lite price will go down anytime soon with the release of the DSi?
  2. inagasake

    inagasake Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    I don't think so. DS Lite sales are still very impressive (2nd behind only Wii in America) so if they lower the Lite's price, it will cannibalize DSi sales. Especially when the DSi doesn't offer much extra value compared to a DS Lite at the moment*. Small downloadable DSiware games, two primitive cameras and audio support. That's not going to make it more appealing than the Lite. The $130US/$140CAN Lite is going to cannibalize the $170US/$200CAN DSi enough as it is.

    * They'll release DSi-enhanced and DSi-only retail games eventually. Which is exactly what Nintendo needs to be doing if they want this to be a true successor to DS rather than an incremental upgrade. They also should have debuted at $150 instead of $170. Historically, Nintendo has always benefited for offering handhelds at low price points but the DSi is the same price as a PSP-3000.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  3. rhallquis

    rhallquis Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    thanks so much man that is exactly what i was looking for. so if i bought a lite right now, in a short while they would only make dsi games?
  4. inagasake

    inagasake Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    I doubt they are going to the DSi-only route anytime soon. Nintendo put out the DSi because the DS Lite waned in Japan. But in America, DS Lite is still going strong. By the laws of economics, it wouldn't make sense for Nintendo to abandon DS Lite yet when sales are still strong. They'll no doubt put out DSi-enhanced games soon though so that they don't alienate DS Lite buyers but still give DSi early adopters some goodies. Once DSi goes down in price and DS Lite starts to wane, DSi-only games will start to take over.

    I'll be getting a DSi (but keeping my Lite for GBA Roms) once it has the DSi library to back it up (and once DSi flash carts can play DSi-only games). I'm still very skeptical whether Nintendo will stick with DSi and not ditch it in a couple years for a DS2 since DSi is not much more powerful than a DS. But this is Nintendo that we are talking about. The Wii was a small upgrade from Gamecube so it's not like they haven't done this before.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009

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