Does a HD have to be 'locked' with a chipped xbox?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by hitman45, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. hitman45

    hitman45 Guest

    Hey everyone...Im new to the forums,

    I have found these forums to be the most helpful with xbox mods and hard drive replacing so Thats why I have seeked help here.

    My main question is 'Does your replacement xbox hard drive HAVE to be locked? or can it be unlocked, just to use EvoX and DVD2Xbox programs so I can run my games off my hard drive. I hear everyone talking about having to have your Eeprom. But realistically Im not going to be using Xbox LIVE on my chipped xbox. Im only using this one as a game backup system and media centre. So bascially only running EvoX or whatever and not worrying about the MS Dashboard.

    Before I tried my 200gig Maxtor HDD (Model 6L200PO - which is lockable), I used a test hard drive with XboxHDM 1.9 and created a xbox HDD from scratch. I also backed up my C: and E: folders like some tutorial showed me. But The only thing I couldnt backup was my damn Eeprom bins file, because the person that installed my chip and EvoX, evoX hasnt got a feature on the menu that says "Backup", which creates your Eeprom and other bios files.

    Everything was done correctly except the last step which was "Locking your HDD". I dont see the point, because I wont be using LIVE and I dont have my Eeprom file. I iserted my testing HDD into my xbox and ofcourse I got a red flashing LED giving my servicing errors.

    Mind you, I was using an old 4gig Seagate HDD that would be easily 7 or 8 yrs old. So should I try my new hdd and see how it goes? How can i bypass my error red flashing messages with a 'unlocked' hdd?

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2006
  2. TheKasinO

    TheKasinO Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    evox DOES have a backup option in utilities.

    with a chip - HDD doesnt have to b locked.

    Softmod HDD upgrade- HDD must b locked

    Botting M$ dash with chip DISabled- HDD must b locked or ull get a 05 error i believe

    chip and you wanna play XBOX LIVE- LOCK HDD and boot chip disabled

    I Also tried the Xboxhdm tutorial (didnt work for me like 5 times)So i softmodded my other xbox with my Chipped XBOX

    BASICALLy im adding info that u may wanna know and sayin NO it doesnt have to be locked work. just format the drive with the chip and FTp the C DRIVE onto teh new HDD and boot YAY
  3. hitman45

    hitman45 Guest

    lol its ok now, I got my xbox fully working again. I think it was my crappy old 4 gig hard drive (the one I used to test), was no good. I just used my new 80 gig Maxtor drive and it works fine now. Didnt need to reinstall evox, just basically a copy of the old hard disk to the new. And using XboxHDM to partition the drive.

    Thanks anyways for helping.

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