I "created" and e-mail account for my AfterDawn forums and I've been getting "junk" mail from other companies that have nothing to do with AfterDawn. How did they find this address that was specific for AD? I just "created" a different e-mail address and I am filtering the previous address to the trash bin. Any coments on that?
The email addresses in our user database are not available to third parties under any circumstances. cmaldona, Could you please send me one such email via either our feedback system or private messages. Please include all the headers, too. At least your current address should be unique enough to not be on any spam-lists. If your address was afterdawn@some.address.invalid, then it most certainly could have caught spam automatically.
I am filtering these e-mails but will try to get you a copy of one and e-mail to you. I really appreciate your concern.
Hi Ketola, Here is a copy of one of the e-mails I got: http://s32.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0NTO6I1QEGIVD30P4O4EC4ADNL Let me know.
Unfortunately the PDF doesn't contain the email headers, so I cannot tell where the email originalted. In any case norton@foo.bar.invalid is a common name for an mailbox, and therefore catches tons of spam easily. If you have the option to create a custom mailbox name, you should always use one that's long enough and doesn't exist on any common account names -lists. For example myafterdawnmail@foo.bar.invalid would be a good choise. You wouldn't believe the number of spam sent to andrew, bill, george, frank, james, whatever@afterdawn.com -addresses. Even though none of the addresses has ever existed or has ever been published online. EDIT: 39661 emails sent to non-existing accounts on AfterDawn's mail server in December.
I understand. I changed my e-mail address and will filter this one anyway. Your advise is well taken.