OMG, i am having so much trouble with this software, everytime i load a skin it will turn my desktop back to lookin like win me or 2000, other than that, it'll sometimes crash my comp if i install the new skin, its like it doesnt complete its transformation, but newais, is there neone willing enought to help me?? thx for neone that helps...
if it aint workin it aint workin, it should just load the skins up str8 away... it does make you computer a bit laggy admitadly but i havent had problems like what your describing. try uninstalling it then reinstalling it and see how you get on
I tried windows blinds and downloaded some skins from that site, as soon as I founda virus I removed it. I wouldnt recommend keeping them just remove it unless you dont mind rebooting windows, or anything crazy to get rid of it (like restart in safe mode to remove a virus )