I have blade setup with the correct netid for N*L dublin. Does anybody know what netid their MMDS service uses, or is it the same? 42753
Thanks. I have his service file and the rate is also 6887 and the lowest freq is 258 so I guess I should change scan.conf to have 258 rather than 291 If that works I will add it to future images I post with set my location features. I know Xenafan is working on andromeda 3.0 now so may wait for it.
Mgbs cables.xml has MMDS specific scan config contained within it have you looked at that? The later CVS used on latest images is incorrect hence the mix up.
sc0user will you have a look here: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/690717 my head is melting LOL
In his cables 11 file it has MMDS as 250 & 258, but there is also a bruteforce which starts at 202. I also have his original cables.xml file and the MMDS bits are the exact same. I know the BF scan worked for him, while the normal one only got a few channels. He will just have to edit scan.conf if it doesn't work.
If the standard network scan via 258 in Dublin or 250 in Galway is working depends on the network information table. UPC changed a lot in the last months.