you have to manually enter the freq though as it dont scan MMDS so get the freq from your other box and put them in click on the post link below that will tell you how to manually enter them
It is working perfectly on mine which is mmds in Swords. Like fergus said you will need to enter theh freq in manually. I found that if you enter in one freq and do a search and find some channels and then do an automatic scan it then picks everything up.
Cheers fergusrb ah well will have to try somethin elseGot my kryptview the other day class box better than the satrview i had just a quick question fergusrb can you reccomend the best type of splitter to use? Many thanks
get one from maplins or peats 1000millamp no loss splitter metal one cost about 13 quid the Digibox T will work on Cho*** if you want one for there !!
Thanks fergusrb much appreciated. is that the 2 way f splitter? What do you think of the 2-Way Aerial Booster any better one of the connectons is upstairs so thought maybe the booster would work better for this. Thanks
yes its an f splitter female type booster would be for a very bad signal find out what your signal is like first split it and then see if it is lower than 70% then think about it
sorry fergusrb last question on this was looking ata kit on line and the splitter was a 2 way 5-2400mhz splitter would this work as well ? Thanks
Sorry im still all new to this is it the higher the Mhz the better or is lower. Which would be best to buy 5-1000mhz or 5-2400 mhz Thanks