Don't Get Scammed In RuneScape - Things To Know!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Vicious88, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    I am sick and tired of seeing scams posted all over the internet to get at RuneScape Player's passwords, so I have composed a list of things that you should know both about protecting your account, and about how to NOT get banned:

    1) Never, EVER, give your RuneScape password to anyone. No one can use it to get you free stuff or easy levels - its impossible. Also, anyone claiming to be a Jagex Moderator outside of the RuneScape website IS lieing. Jagex Moderators can be fired for making their title known on other websites due to the security risk involved. Also, the IP addresses of Moderator Computers are closely monitored and therefor, no Mod would EVER risk his or her job to help you illegally.

    2) Anyone claiming to be a Moderator within the game itself is most likely lieing! Moderators have silver crowns next to their names when they speak, and Jagex Staff Members have Gold Crowns next to their names!

    3) If someone offers to buy you a runescape membership, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR PASSWORD!!!

    4) Make sure you set Password Recovery Questions and keep them written somewhere (on paper, not on your computer) in case of emergency. For extra protection, you may want to set a Bank Pin.

    5) There is no such thing as Item Duplicators or "Cheats" for RuneScape because of the way it is programmed. The side of RuneScape we as players have access to is SO restricted that we have no access to the programming, which is what any sort of "cheat" would need to work. DO NOT TRY TO DOWNLOAD THESE PROGRAMS BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN KEYLOGGERS TO STEAL YOUR PASSWORDS!

    6) Using programs to play RuneScape for you (AKA Autobots, or Macroing) is not only against the rules, IT IS DANGEROUS! Every Single program IS dectable by Jagex (despite what you may read on other sites) and you run a very high risk of these programs containing Keyloggers which steal your passwords!

    7) Programs that "Click4You" are still dectable, just like all other programs designed to play RuneScape. Jagex will notice that these programs are only clicking on specific colored pixels (macros) when they select an action.

    8) Jagex CAN ban all of your accounts at the same time for something that one of them did. The next time you log in, if you'll look to the top, it displays the IP address you last connected from before you are allowed to actually enter the world. Jagex stores all of these IP addresses in a database which means not only will they ban the noob character you made to chop wood for you, but they can ban your main as because they will know you've logged into both of the accounts from the same computer. (Having multiple computers running off of one Router will NOT help you!)

    9) Jagex can detect drop trading as well as unbalanced trades. In other words, if you have a buddy of yours log in as your wood cutting character and trade over all the money to your main - you run a good risk of getting your characters banned.

    10) It is a popular myth that Jagex CANNOT ban your computer's IP address from logging into the website. That is not true. They can, they have, and if need be - they will.

    11) Don't download ANYTHING that is designed to interface with your RuneScape game, even if it isn't a "cheat program" because chances are, if it was not made by Jagex, it WILL steall your password.


    Some of you may be asking yourself, "Well if all of this is true, why have I gotten away with some of it?"

    Well the answer is simply this: Luck. The Jagex Moderator team is actually very small, and they do not always have the option to respond to every single rule violation. Consider how many people play RuneScape any given day, and then remind yourself that there is a MUCH smaller number of Jagex Employees and Moderators who stay VERY BUSY.

    "How can I tell if someone is Macroing (using an autobot)?"

    This is actually very easy to spot. The first sign is a jibberish name like "ghsht003". They will also, typically, have very bland clothes (the first clothing options shown when creating a new character: bald, green shirt, brown pants, or vice versa). But THE REAL PROOF IS IN THEIR LEVELS!!! If you suspect someone is using a Macroing program, open up a new internet explorer window and go to the runescape high scores board and search for their name. If they are level 3, but have a wood cutting level of 60+, then you should really have no further doubts. But if you want to make sure, try talking to them. It won't matter what you do, they won't respond.

    YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATLY REPORT SOMEONE FOR MACROING if the above conditions apply to them! No one RuneScape player should have the ability to make millions by doing nothing, while others should have to work and struggle.

    I have played runescape on and off since 2002. And have had many, many characters. I've never been scammed, and I've never been banned. So if you want to actually enjoy your gamming experince: Follow my advice and don't be fooled into believing anything different. Thank you for reading.
  2. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Afterdawn Moderators and Addicts,
    Please note that this post is intended to protect the players of runescape, as well as inform them of a higher gamming quality. It is a simple goal to have servers that are not lagged down by people running autobot programs, but it is an even better goal to have people informed enough to not be tricked into releasing their password.
    So I ask you please, do what you can to keep people from posting scamming on this site, or claiming that breaking the rules of these MMORPGs does NOT lessen the quality of the game. With all of that being said, I know that many of you have at one point and time played RuneScape - perhapes you too were scammed, or maybe you just moved on to WoW or GuildWars... But I know that those of us who have played, or perhapes even STILL play, would like to see these things change.

    The same can be asked of every person:
    BEFORE YOU CLICK REPLY: Ask yourself if you are trying to take advantage of someone else, or if you are stirring up trouble. If you answer yes, just kindly walk away. You can't scam here, posting email addresses can get you banned. And disagreeing with me will prove pointless. Not many people have played the game longer than I, but that is aside the point: I'm not here to argue - simply to inform.

    Good Luck - And Enjoy the Game!

    -Vicious St. James
  3. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    sounds like that site needs to enforce the rules of the site, just by what you are saying it sound like the site is out of control, and what does that site have to do with this site? this site is run rather well and the guidlines are followed rather well. also you say(I am sick and tired of seeing scams posted all over the internet to get at RuneScape Player's passwords) there is nothing you can do about it so you will just have to get over it. good luck
  4. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    There are several RuneScape-Related posts here on afterdawn, and atop that, Afterdawn gets priority in the Google listings, so this site is a perfect host.

    As far as there being nothing I can do about the scams, I have to disagree. I find it hard to believe there would be so many scams if they didn't work at tricking people. The purpose of this guide is to get people informed enough so that they don't fall victim to the scams. Less Potential Victims = Less Scams.

    And as far as the RuneScape site being out of control, I again am forced to kindly disagree. They simply have a limited staff, they are human after all. Imagine if you and your realitively small company* were managing over an expansive game with more members than World of WarCraft. It'd be impossible - we're talking millions of people! Yet they shine through, weekly improving the game with new updates. They're one of the oldest and most reliable MMORPGs in existance.

    *The "You and your realitively small company" line is a metaphorical referance to Jagex, whose dedication is day by day exceeding all expectations. The fact is this: We cannot expect them to tyrant over all the users and ensure that all the rules are followed. It is our responsiblity to ensure that we follow the rules, and hold each other responsable.

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