I had made prob 10 games with xISO that worked nicely.. then i started running into problems with some not working or booting up then going back to the dashboard.. I came across GDFImage and it has NEVER not made the perfect ISO. It saved the day!
Hey dank maybe you could help with gdfimage.I am command prompt illiterate.I use xISO and everygame I backed up boots to game's title screen then freeze up.Maybe xISO is my problem.I have GDFImage but just confused as how to use it properly.
Not sure what you mean... I don't get a command prompt... i think there may be another part of the prog you need to d/l because it is very hard to find and is protected by microsoft.. I have this purple image that sort of looks like 3 purple I's.. you need GDFImage GUI for it to work properly the hard file to get i believe is called gdfimage.exe. if you have those then it should eliminate the command prompt and is very easy to use.
Dank I have gdfimage.exe. But the only way i can use it is to Go to run and type in CMD and hit enter.Then from the commandprompt type the path to gdfimage and it opens up.It is the microsoft one.So are you saying I need GDFImageGUI also?
sounded like thats what you needed.. hope it works as good for you as it does for me. I don't even write to RW's for fear of not working anymore. i just burn straight to DVD+R.. its nice cheers
Dank man my freaking gdfimage gui locks up(not responding) in the middle of making an image.Any ideas??
hmmm.... even 3 gig files only take about 3-4 minutes with this... maybe you have a bad copy try d/ling a few more copies of those proggies.. if that doesn't work pm your addy bro.. Cheers
Dank I downloaded a new version of xISO and now i got 30 backups working perfectly.Even a few that wouldn't boot from the HD boot on disk.And I use cheap 1X Media($.89)a disk.I guess I'm getting lucky.Thanx for the help.I'm still gonna try to use GDFImage.But at least I got an alternative.