~hey. i have DOOM3 and i want to back it up. it is copyrighted and i cant do back it up. can any1 help me on how to back it up to a .ISO image..DOOM3 has 3 CDs.
if ya wanna be real trickee u could try finding the protection with ClonyXXL, then putting the disc in and copying with Alcohol 120% on the selected profile corresponding to the copywrite protection, however BlindWrite is probably the greatest alternative, i loved this soft so much i bought it...
Doom 3 uses SafeDisc 3.20.022 (A-Ray Scanner is much better than Clonny). Your best bets are going to be either Alcohol 120% or BlindWrite 4.57 but using the right software is only half the solution - you need an EFM capable burner in order to make a 1:1 copy. What make/model burner are you using? When using A120 you'll need to use the SafeDisc 2/3 profile and set your read/write speeds to 4X. If you use BW 4.57 try these settings, Read: 1) Authorize the use of alternative method 2) Choose nibble and read at 8x Write: 1) No AWS , NO autoplay enabled, burn DAO PW at 4x
Well, I think differntly... Alc120 is great no doubt but I made a copy w/ no emmulation needed that has seemed to be workin in all 10 of my cd/dvd burners w/ Clone, The other clones such as 5.1 and up has had burnering problems and would corrupt most safedisk3.x exe's. But this new version seems to be doing very well w/ just the Protect Game CD profile. M8 I would try that, (make sure u have Hide CD-R media on). all the clonecd's 5.1- had issues but this new one works like gold and i burned it w/ my plex 8/20 w/ no issues
Not a 1:1 copy if you need to make any special exceptions to use the disc. Not to mention CloneCD gets blacklisted right and left.