Does anyone know the DOS command for coping a hold o/s to a hard drive, so it can be installed from the hard drive.
You need the install CD. If you have the install CD, there is no reason to copy to HDD, except for a minor increase in speed. You cannot copy an installed OS to a HDD and reinstall it to that CD. What are you trying to accomplish? In the old days, we would do this to do mass installs of win '98. As I recall, the procedure was: 1. Create a bootable DOS partition 2. Boot from a floppy that had the CD driver and xcopy.exe on it 3. Change to the CD drive 4. Issue the command a:\xcopy <cd drive letter>\win98 c:\windows /s/e This would copy the contents of the CDs Win98 directory and all subdirectories to a directory called windows and copy all subdirectories, creating subdirectories as it needed. The setup.exe file caould then be run from the /windows/options/cabs directory on the HDD.
moved to correct forum as not a feedback & suggestions issue. nandrews0, what are you trying to do & why?