Double Roll Tonight Before Match

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by akyboo, May 21, 2008.

  1. akyboo

    akyboo Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    Word of warning to all before tonights match (21 May)heard it from a good reliable source from a bloke that works with C****S that a double rom roll shall be conducted tonight hope it doesnt but just keep an eye out also that The Box which was not affected by the recent bout of rolls shall be targeted tonight. They have contracted S*Y technicians to carry out these lastest rom changes
  2. tryabit

    tryabit Guest

    shour its on normal tv as well so who gives f**K and why would sly help them there rivals are utd going to lend ronaldo to chelsea for the night
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2008
  3. akyboo

    akyboo Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    I know but what we gonna watch tommorrow after United win ha ha DW cable forum has been closed too and they say it wont be opening again i prefer this site as its user friendly but its one of many forums that ive heard that are closed can a mod let us know if it will happen here
  4. tryabit

    tryabit Guest

    were only talking here and the no posting codes rule has helped alot now the companys no there not so easy to get its stopped them changeing them so often
  5. akyboo

    akyboo Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    recently two guys have been jailed for 10 months and five months for moddifing images for various signals but my source reckons tonights roll will throw a serious spanner in the free tv works
  6. SG8

    SG8 Active member

    May 15, 2007
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    Any chance you could define ' a good reliable source' ?

    Always interesting to hear exactly how these good reliable sources know what is going to be happening.

  7. tryabit

    tryabit Guest

    sky helping upc thats a new one
  8. Milner2k

    Milner2k Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    what can they really do ? Change the version or type of encryption/try to send a software download to non offical boxes. How likely is even any of those scenarios.
  9. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    they know there wont be a problem to all the people that have updated there boxes it is only the people that have not updated there box that are going to suffer plus their own customers will as well as there box go off as well when they do this

    Also about them sending software down the line they cannot do anything to these boxes only there own ones as the only way that software can be put on these boxes is by your own pc and cable nothing else

    So please stop all the scaremongering and wait and see what happens if you have the correct firmware on your box there wont be a problem well only a short inconvenience till they pick the C**** up again that is all
  10. annaville

    annaville Member

    May 4, 2008
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    surely it would be stupid to try and stop people looking at the match its free on itv&rte2 ,whether one lives in ireland or uk .
  11. akyboo

    akyboo Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    a mate works with u*c and he said of late that since u*c are an agent for sly they decide to try and stamp out use of these boxes he told me of the previous start of keyrolls so cant doubt him now. its the box that they will be targetting since that was unaffected by previous rolls. dont shoot the messenger
  12. akyboo

    akyboo Member

    Dec 14, 2007
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    previous c*****s cards were easily accessed but u*c are using the new nagra2 system (which cant be accessed)my belief is that system is being put in motion. moved house recently and had to get tv in the house so decided to pay for it and i got a pace box thats the size of a dvd player
  13. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    they are only the new recorder type boxes and u** have been using nagra 2 here a long time now it is called multicrypt and until all the box in the whole of ireland are either getting new cards or new boxes i would not worry to much how long has this rumor been going around and it is usually a friend of mine who works for or an uncle of mines mate who works there what a load of rubbish do you honestly think that staff are privileged to this information the answer is no they only here what they want them to here so that the will start all this scare tactics again

    No staff member is privileged to when a code roll is going to happen this is done from outside sources

    To prevent this from happening and the only boxes that the cc are targeting at the present time is there own modified boxes that where done by there own engineers
  14. CyborCop

    CyborCop Regular member

    May 21, 2008
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    Totally agree with ya there as i was given a new box as well as an upgrade and all it is the pvr model and is crap as well

    And why are people to quick to jump to the gun nothing has happened yet and you are all running around like headless chickens

    Why not wait and see what they are going to do first as we all know when we buy these boxes we dont know what is going to happen or how long they are going to stay on for but life is a chance so why not make the most of it while we can

    I am sure the cable comp do be looking at these sites and i am sure they are ptsl reading all this everybody running scared and they have done nothing yet

    But as annaville has said it is free to watch so all you need to do is take the cable out of the box and plug direct into the tv and bobs your uncle and all that
  15. MICKAH

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    I dont think they are just watching, I am sure they are particpating on boards such as this.
  16. Milner2k

    Milner2k Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    :), that would look well on your cv.

    "Scare-mongering on internet forums", what a great job surfing for your company all day long.
  17. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    I would defo second that allright if it is not them posting in the above posts LOL

    Well that is called money for nothing he he he
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2008
  18. CyborCop

    CyborCop Regular member

    May 21, 2008
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    I dont know why they bother as surly they know most have updated their boxes to au so really wasting there time :)
  19. steo2k8

    steo2k8 Active member

    Mar 29, 2008
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    ok wait. they're targeting the box and they're going to stop all boxes working then?

    Edit: sorry i didn't cop on to that. they can't do anything without ruining their own digital.
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  20. fergusrb

    fergusrb Guest

    they did this the last time as well and what happened how long was it before they where back up and running a little inconvenience that is all you know the risks and we all take them as they say some you win some they win only time will tell we heard all this before so it is nothing new they are going to switch this off and that off and they are sending virus down the cable and spikes what a joke the best thing is wait and see it is only another couple of hours and then we will see who the joke is on then

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