download speed control

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Arnold2, Mar 23, 2004.

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  1. Arnold2

    Arnold2 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2003
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    Could anyone tell me if there is a program to regularate (sp not sure) your download? Like how many KB's per hour. controll the FAP may temporarily limit that subscriber's throughput to ensure the integrity of the system for all DIRECWAY subscribers.

    you may experience FAP if the cumulative requested downloads in a relatively short time period (1-4 hours) exceeds 169 MB* (megabytes). An example of what can be downloaded within 169 MB* would be a software application such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Adobe Acrobat. Normal Internet surfing, on the other hand, generates small downloads for each Web page viewed. For example, an hour of surfing can generate 1-10 MB of download activity depending on the content being surfed - well below the amount required to trigger FAP.(Fair Access Policy)

    We would like to stay under the limit but still get our downloads. We are going over the limit cause of the download speed. Then we can not get our download.
    They cut you off believe me. If there is a program that would just control download 30 MB an hour or set it up for so much an hour we could get our downloads with out hurting anyone.

    Thank you

    sorry thought I was at another forum.
    Please excuse the question

    Thank you for the helpful information
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2004
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