Downloaded Games From Bittorrent

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by scamino1, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Hey ive got games from bittorrent and i wanted to know how to put htem on my xbox HD .Its Modded with Evolutionx.I already know how to ftp and all that. But whenever i put a game under f:/games it doesnt work. I looked at the file from bittorrent amd some of the foles are compressed and i already have winrar ,what do i do next?
  2. cah17522

    cah17522 Member

    Jun 9, 2005
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    For some reason putting games on the F drive dosent work out to well try to ftp the game to E:Games and reboot your xbox it should work that way. Another reason is maybe you got a bad copy. What game is it you are trying to put on your hard drive?
  3. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Ghost recon3 halo1 and commandos strike force. Ill try putting it under the E:.
  4. pressed

    pressed Regular member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    You need to get quick par (if it has par2 files), this will verify them all and repair broken .rars

    Once that is done, you open the main rar file, usually it will be .001 or .01, or .rar. (if they are all .rar, its the last one in your file list). this should give you the iso after you extract it and then i suppose you ftp it over. I use Quix but i'm running avalaunch. I don't use bit torrent, but this is how you would go about accomplishing what you are trying to do.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  5. cearel

    cearel Guest

    holy shit the mods havnt gotten to this yet WOW but yea this is piracy
  6. haduke

    haduke Guest

    Well, if you want to get techincal about it, everything on these forums just about is illegal in one form or another. Isn't downloading ROMs and Emulators a form of piracy? What about homebrewed software that allows you to backup games to the hard drive, or to even play DVDs without having to purchase the DVD Software from Microsoft? Isn't that ALL forms of piracy in one way or another? So why are you tripping over this?
  7. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    yeah really its not like u havent done something illegeal before and by the way i file shared 4 of my xbox games so i could do this so "Tecnically,its not"
  8. cearel

    cearel Guest

    the mods still havnt goten this
  9. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Dude Shut up and dont rat ill remove this n a day or 2 okay?
  10. cearel

    cearel Guest

    i have no probs with this personally "not that i do it or anything" but yea
  11. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    "not that i do it or anything"
    The silent treatment heh? sure u dont but watever.
  12. cearel

    cearel Guest

    lol,hey send me a pm
  13. DrKePhRiM

    DrKePhRiM Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    no body here doese it *wink wink* for evil anyways....becuse we all LEGALLY own the orginal versions right???? ;)
  14. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    of course we do.of course i own a legal version of xbox with error 16 and 21 of course ive never done anything illegal at all! Right guys?
  15. shinnster

    shinnster Regular member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I think this is the stupidest thing i've ever heard ( not meaning to be rude)

    Scamino1 wrote
    So what you're saying is because you shared your files illegally with others it makes it ok for you to illegally download their

    I must remember that one for when the ol' bill come knocking at my door :)
  16. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    And STILL the mods havent got to this one??

    What a muppet..he's trying to play a linked rar archive, wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't ftp'd the .torrent file with the rest..give me strength!!!

    And WHO is spouting that BS about games not working too well off F:\??? My 290GB F:\ partition doesn't have any trouble at all even though there's only 7GB free left. Stop spouting *edit* crap and go learn something..*edit* Or is it clever these days to talk utter, total and complete garbage..maybe I'm missing something here?...

    Piracy, flaming, false info and BS... Thats about all there is in here..


    Go on ..tell me I don't know what I'm talking about

    I'm bored..

    In the header section of this file, there is a 4 byte "size" member, which specifies the size of the file including itself. The dashboard first reads the header, subtracts the length of the header from this size, allocates to fit a file of this size, and reads that number of bytes into the allocated block.
    Because the size variable includes itself, values of 0, 1, 2 or 3 will cause an underflow condition when the size of the size variable itself is subtracted. the dashboard will then allocate only 0-3 bytes of memory and attempt to read several gig into it, overwriting large sections of memory...

    Anybody got the faintest idea what that's about???
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2006
  17. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    hey everybody! guess what! the rules [bold]do frickin' say[/bold]that you can help this guy figure out how to get his games working. what do you think we have all those Console Backup forums for? unless we're specifically told that this guy has no legit copy of the game, it's common human courtesy to assume he does. it's "innocent until proven guilty," not the other way around.
  18. DrKePhRiM

    DrKePhRiM Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    your right it doesnt say anywhere that he does or doesnt legally own the games he downloaded
  19. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    yeah who says they arent my backup copies anyway?
  20. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    okay, the point is made and highlighted. now let's get back to actually trying to help you out.

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