I am trying to capture some video from my Canon HV20 using the firewire,the editing software ( Studio ultimate ver.14 ) see's the camera but I get lines and noise on my screen,my mouse starts doing funny things when I turn it on. The only way it will straighten back up is turn off my camera.I did a fresh install on windows,and the software running great all but the capturing. I got the patch from micosoft (KB885222-v2vx8-enu.exe)but when I go to install it ( A few seconds go by then it says Access is denied ) I think if I could get the patch it would solve my problem. Can anyone tell me how to install it. ( without get that error message ) Thanks, Bill
Before installing it, I would try the Capture Forum at Videohelp. http://forum.videohelp.com/forums/10-Capturing