In FIREFOX and OPERA when I download an EXE file the file can be saved in a download list I can call up at any time to redownload a given file from the list as opposed to trying to find it again and saving it again from a search results page. In IE8 when I download such file I am presented with a dialog box that only has a RUN choice, no SAVE choice. When I select RUN the file is opened and installed using the subsequent dialog boxes. Does IE8 also have a list of downloaded files? If so where and how do I access it? Is there a third party app that will add such a list/folder to IE8? If yes link please.
on both xp & win7 computers i have, i use ie8 & have the option to save to a location then when file downloaded, i can run it or not.
The HELP pages say that if the app does not provide a save option than only a run choice will be presented. On the other hand despite this all downloads go to "DOCUMENTS" on the START menu. Then from there it is the DOWNLOAD folder and ENTER and the download list appears. From there any download can be rerun. FIREFOX has its list on DOWNLOADS under TOOLS. OPERA is similar. FF ALWAYS presents a SAVE and RUN choice.
I have since found out how to finf the TEMPORARY file where downloads in IE8 are stored automaticly. It is found through the start menu/search. Not an easy task.