Aside from going the Start-> My Computer route what is the easiest way to download camera card pics? I used to have an application that when I inserted the card in the card reader I would be offerred the choice of saving and keep the pics on that card or saving and deleting from the card. I thought it was a Nero product but apparently it is not. Its not Nero PhotoShow Deluxe as I have that one. Its a much simpler application.and it was a freeby Any suggestions would be appreciated
What I do is open up the camera card, select all pictures, then press copy, then make a folder in My Pictures and paste the pictures in the folder. There is probably an easier way than my way though...
Thanks...THAT is the way I have to do it but if I (you) can locate this one application (and I can almost swear it was a freebie) its so much easier AND you are given the option to clear the memory card (as opposed to doing it pic by pic)